
Gobelin as part of furniture


Gobelin as part of furniture

The topic of the paper is connected to the revival of tapestry, or gobelin, which is one of the well- known hand weaving techniques with a long history. The depiction of different happenings in human formation used throughout the lifetime in various manners from wall decorations to apparel characterizes this technique. The objective of this study was to understand the purpose of revival and the usage of tapestry from an aesthetic point of view and usage of it in interiors.

The researcher used tapestry in different ways, e.g. as upholstery in furniture. The process of weaving and usage is described. The work also reveals the technique of handmade tapestry using hand looms by including a description of setting up a hand loom for making a tapestry. Furthermore, there is a brief history of the tapestry phenomenon including the most important periods and names which have influenced the phenomenon. The study was practice based by nature, where the researcher was connected to the subject through his life history which is described in one of the chapters.

The most important finding for the researcher was the bond formed between the artist as a creator and the tapestry as a creation and its further usage in modern interiors from an aesthetic point of view.
