
Jälkihuolto - porras itsenäiseen elämään? : selvitys Jyväskylän kaupungin lastensuojelun jälkihuollon nykytilasta ja kehittämishaasteista

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Jälkihuolto - porras itsenäiseen elämään? : selvitys Jyväskylän kaupungin lastensuojelun jälkihuollon nykytilasta ja kehittämishaasteista

Meaning of the Bachelor’s thesis was to clarify present state and development challenges in after-care of the Special Ministrations of Youth (NEPA) in the city of Jyväskylä. Targets of the survey were to find out results which can be exploitable by NEPA. In addition, one target was to find out youth’s views, opinions and development suggestions about after-care. There were three research assignments in the survey: how was the advising when a youngster transferred to independent living, how transferring to independent living happened and what kind of hopes the young had about after-care. The research realized as a quantitative research and the research method was half-structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was answered by 17 young, nine women and eight men. According to results of the survey after-care plan was made for every young and the opinions of youngsters were noticed in the plan. Beginning of the after-care went well and the young were aware who their own worker was. Also comfort in the beginning of the after-care was adequate. A role of friends was remarkable but comforting youngster’s close network by NEPA didn’t come out in the survey. Discussions about future, intoxicant use and dating issues came up for the most remarkable form of comfort. According to the results comforting the youngster’s close network, reaching workers also in the weekends and evening times, pre-information about after-care and helping in everyday living issues rose up for the development suggestions for NEPA. In addition, it came out from the background information that the young use rather a lot intoxicant and many of the young are without a job or a study place. Interfering to intoxicant use and encouragement to work or studies could prevent youngster’s rising risk of loosing touch to society.

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