
Keinoja pyörätuolivanhemman lapsiperheen arkeen

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Keinoja pyörätuolivanhemman lapsiperheen arkeen

Everyone have the right to have baby. Caring a child can be challenging to everyone but for parent in wheelchair it can be more challenging. The focus of occupational therapy is on enabling client´s daily occupation. One practical model to enhance daily occupation is compensate ineffective occupational skills, body functions and parson factors. Adapted equipment, assistive technology, teaching alternative or compensatory strategies and modifying task or physical or social environments are considered. The need for this study arose from occupational therapists working at the Rehabilitation centre of Peurunka. They meet parents who use wheelchair and parents who dream of having a baby.

Aim of this bachelor´s thesis was to develop the written guide for parents who are in wheelchair and to those who are planning to have a baby. Occupational therapists can use the guide when guiding and consulting parents. This thesis is a functional study with two parts. First part is theoretical background which is based on Person, Environment and Occupation model (PEO) and Occupational Therapy Intervention Process Model (OTIPM). Second part is practical guide for clients and other who are interested in this subject. Compensatory strategies based on content analysis of seven web blogs of clients who use wheelchair and one website and theory literature.

As a outcome were found that compensatory strategies enable the parent who uses wheelchair to cope activities of child care independently in daily living. Adapting activities has a significant positive impact on relationship between parents and their children. The practical guide is first published guide in Finland which presents compensatory strategies all around in the world. Part of adapted equipments and assistive technological solutions are self made and other part is commercial. It would be good to investigate how the importing of some of these products would manage and are them legal in Finland.

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