
Iltapäiväkerhosta lakisääteiseksi iltapäivätoiminnaksi : Stadin Nuorisoseurat ry:n iltapäivätoimintamallin kehittäminen tukemaan 6-8-vuotiainen koululaisten kasvua ja kehitystä pienevissä tiloissa

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Iltapäiväkerhosta lakisääteiseksi iltapäivätoiminnaksi : Stadin Nuorisoseurat ry:n iltapäivätoimintamallin kehittäminen tukemaan 6-8-vuotiainen koululaisten kasvua ja kehitystä pienevissä tiloissa

Morning and afternoon activity programs have been part of the comprehensive education legislation for ten years. The city of Helsinki has provided the programs from the beginning and Stadin Nuorisoseurat ry has been a service provider to the City of Helsinki Education Department from the start. Stadin Nuorisoseurat ry is the subscriber of this study. The legislated afternoon activities are provided at the Munkkivuori Youth Center which is operated by Stadin Nuorisoseurat ry. The same facilities also support the open access youth center activities and activities by other organization. In the second half of 2016, Helsinki City daycare services will expand and take over part of the space and share the facilities. The goal of this study was to develop a new model for the afternoon activities program for smaller physical available and changing spaces to adjust to different situations in accordance to law and re-quirements. The model was developed in activity analyses during the spring of 2016 along with interviews of the children and benchmarking with other afternoon activities programs by Suomen Nuorisoseurat ry member associations. The developed activity model and lessons learned from other associations are to be implemented during the 2016-2017 school year. This is accelerated by the gathered best practices from other afternoon activities service providers. The children adjusted quickly to the changes brought by the new activity model. Staff of Stadin Nuorisoseurat ry afternoon program committed to the changes and the change manager of the after-noon activity program was well motivated in the wide-ranging development. The resulting activity model for afternoon activities uses new tools and methods to make the most of the spaces available to meet the legal requirements, criteria and principles from national education law. The time was ripe for significant changes and the shrinking spaces accelerated the action. ”Necessity is the mother of invention” – the positive results surprised and rewarded the all participants.

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