
Lastenkotilasten elämänhallinta aikuisuudessa : Paasikiven Nuorisokylän entisten lasten kokemuksia

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Lastenkotilasten elämänhallinta aikuisuudessa : Paasikiven Nuorisokylän entisten lasten kokemuksia

Honkanen, Antti & Ruohonen, Vesa. Coping of children’s home children in adulthood. Experiences of former children of Paasikiven Nuorisokylä. 40 pages, 2 appendices. Language: Finnish. Helsinki, Spring 2015. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Degree Programme in Nursing, Option in Nursing. Degree: Registered Nurse.

The purpose of this thesis was to gather information about coping in adulthood from previous child residents living in Paasikiven Nuorisokylä children’s home and which work methods were the most beneficial in preparing the child to independence. The material was collected by using thematic interviews and was analyzed by thematic analysis.

As a result, the role of an individual child’s closest caregiver or the primary caregiver was the most important part of successful learning of life management skills and coping. Additionally, formed relationships with peers are occasionally present in adulthood, and hobbies started in the children’s home are still active. Opinions about the relevance of family and social work were mixed, as it was seen mostly as invisible.

Key words: child welfare, coping, life management, primary caregiver, qualitative research, thematic interview

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