
The impact of customer behavior on marketing automation in e-commerce industry


The impact of customer behavior on marketing automation in e-commerce industry

In today's industrial and digital age, focusing on studying customer behavior is extremely important for every business. Customers now have a wider range of options when making purchases, particularly in the current online retail industry, consumer habits and purchases are changing more and more. The process of comprehending and attending to consumers' thoughts, desires, and demands will greatly affect the company's development strategy as well as its appropriate marketing automation solution offerings for customers.

Compared to traditional marketing, marketing has undergone many distinct changes due to the development of technology, engineering, and digitalization. Marketing today concentrates on individualized and tailored content for customers with the aim of attracting more customers based on research findings and knowledge about customer behavior towards products and services. Automated marketing strategies are seen to be effective instruments for luring clients. This study's primary focus is on the factors that affect consumer behavior as well as the pros and downsides of marketing automation as seen through the eyes of the consumer.

This thesis is a research project, and it was completed using a quantitative approach that involved surveying 100 randomly selected customers who had used online purchasing services in order to understand more about their online shopping behaviors. The findings of the investigation will highlight a variety of objective characteristics of customers' online shopping behavior as significant influences on customers' purchasing behavior as well as the advantages and disadvantages of marketing automation in the context of the customer experience.
