
miekka - Petersenin H-tyyppiä; miekka


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miekka - Petersenin H-tyyppiä; miekka

fyysinen kuvaus: Miekka, Petersenin tyyppiä H. Miekka on aivan kokonainen, vain säiläosa on parista kohden hiukan taipunut. Säilän pituus on 782 mm. Väistimen leveys on 106 mm. Haitan leveys on 85 mm. Haitan ja nupin yhteinen korkeus on 49 mm. Leena Tomanterän v 1973 suorittaman uudelleen konservoinnin yhteydessä säilässä paljastui teksti ULFBERT ja nupissa ja väistimessä pronssilankakoristelua.

Vide: Mikko Moilanen 2015

physical description: A complete sword in good condition. Weight: 1340 g. Balance point: 115mm. The blade seems to have been broken and re-welded approximately 24 cm below the hilt. On one side the fuller is inscribed +VLFBERHT+, and the reverse side contains a vertical line and an incomplete lattice weave. The material of the inlays is twisted pattern-welded rod. The inlays were defined by surface examination. Radiographs: no. 578. The hilt belongs to Petersen’s type H. The parts of the hilt are of iron and decorated with inlays of silver and copper wires (24 wires/cm). The wires are arranged to form a chequerboard pattern. The sword belongs to a group of finds from under a large rock (KM18402:1–7), and was claimed for the National Museum in 1971.

Literature: Moilanen 2010a: 9; Peirce 2002: 54–55; Räty 1983: 38–39,
42, 156, 162–163, 238; Räty 1998: 39–40, 48; Williams 2009: 130, 159

A group of finds (KM 18402:1–7) was discovered in 1971 under a large rock about 4.6 kilometres southeast of Hämeenlinna Castle and 1.1 kilometres southeast of the Church of Vanaja. The site is known as Peltorinne in Hämeenlinna. Inlaid sword KM 18402:1 was found along with a small knife. After this, a trial excavation was conducted, revealing some more finds. The site was destroyed by building work and it contained no definite evidence of a cemetery. Among the recovered finds a small blade fragment is also known (KM 18402:3), indicating the presence of another sword.
