
jousi; bow, self bow


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jousi; bow, self bow

fyysinen kuvaus: Pääluettelo: Jousi, kaari yksipuinen kuusen lylyinen; sen päihin on kumpaankin laitaan leikattu jännepykeet.

Pjonorovin kyläk. Vas-juganilla. Ostj[akit].

Jousi on valmistettu kuusen lylystä. Se on malliltaan suora, poikkileikkaukseltaan litteä, lautamainen, mutta reunat on pyöristetty. Jouseen on veistetty korkeakaulaiset nokit, joiden yläreuna on muotoiltu hieman kolmiomaiseksi. Nokkeihin on solmittu jänne, joka ehkä on nokkosnuoraa.

A self bow, made of the reaction wood of spruce. The bow is straight, flat in cross-section, board-like, but the edges have been rounded. Nocks with a high neck and a somwhat triangular-shaped upper rim has been carved to both ends. A bow string perhaps made of nettle fiber cord is tied to the nocks.

Made by the Khanty in Pyonorev village on the Vasyugan River.

When Sirelius commented that the bow is of a type uncommon in the area, the Khanty man from Pyonorov who had made the bow at Sirelius's order insisted that this was the type used by the old Khanty.
