
Henkilöstölähtöinen investointisuunnittelumalli

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Henkilöstölähtöinen investointisuunnittelumalli

Employee-driven investment planning model
Diplomityö_Kettunen_Simo.pdf (LUT Academic Library - LUTPub Publication Repository)
Diplomityö_Kettunen_Simo.pdf.txt (LUT Academic Library - LUTPub Publication Repository)

The objective of this thesis is to develop an investment plan for the modernization of the factory equipment. The research approach is employee-driven in order to ensure that the plan is comprehensive and the employees are committed to the proposed changes. The thesis is based on the theories of employee-driven innovation, empowerment and lean leadership. The theory of employee-driven innovation is closest to the practical execution of the proposed plan. Empowerment is a concept that describes an ideal situation where employees are fully committed to changes. The lean leadership theory is used as a guideline to develop a fully functional department. Based on these theories, an investment planning model that incorporates the employees' input was developed. This new model is utilized in the planning of the factory department's investments. The research is implemented as a qualitative research. The main finding of the thesis is that from the employee perspective and the outcome of the plan, the proposed investment plan works remarkably well. The inclusion of the employees in the planning process improved the plan, and increased employee satisfaction. Finally, the thesis introduces a universal planning model that can be applied to various business functions other than just investing.

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