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(1984). Sarajevo 1984: Virallinen olympiakirja = The official photo-monography of the organizing committee of the 14. olympic w inter games, Jugoslavia - Sarajevo. Tilgmann.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Sarajevo 1984: Virallinen Olympiakirja = The Official Photo-monography of the Organizing Committee of the 14. Olympic W Inter Games, Jugoslavia - Sarajevo. Espoo: Tilgmann, 1984.


Sarajevo 1984: Virallinen Olympiakirja = The Official Photo-monography of the Organizing Committee of the 14. Olympic W Inter Games, Jugoslavia - Sarajevo. Tilgmann, 1984.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

1984. Sarajevo 1984: Virallinen olympiakirja = The official photo-monography of the organizing committee of the 14. olympic w inter games, Jugoslavia - Sarajevo. Espoo: Tilgmann.

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