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edited by Susan Hiller and Sarah Martin, Hiller, S., Milner, J., Lingwood, J., Nordgren, S., Phillpot, C., . . . Matthew, H. (2000). The producers: Contemporary curators in conversation : 30th March 2000, James Lingwood and Sune Nordgren in conversation : 8th June 2000, Clive Phillpot and Matthew Higgs in conversation. Baltic.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

edited by Susan Hiller and Sarah Martin, Susan Hiller, John Milner, James Lingwood, Sune Nordgren, Clive Phillpot, Sarah Martin, ja Higgs Matthew. The Producers: Contemporary Curators in Conversation : 30th March 2000, James Lingwood and Sune Nordgren in Conversation : 8th June 2000, Clive Phillpot and Matthew Higgs in Conversation. Gateshead: Baltic, 2000.


edited by Susan Hiller and Sarah Martin, et al. The Producers: Contemporary Curators in Conversation : 30th March 2000, James Lingwood and Sune Nordgren in Conversation : 8th June 2000, Clive Phillpot and Matthew Higgs in Conversation. Baltic, 2000.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

edited by Susan Hiller and Sarah Martin, Hiller, S., Milner, J., Lingwood, J., Nordgren, S., Phillpot, C., . . . Matthew, H. 2000. The producers: Contemporary curators in conversation : 30th March 2000, James Lingwood and Sune Nordgren in conversation : 8th June 2000, Clive Phillpot and Matthew Higgs in conversation. Gateshead: Baltic.

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