
Varhaiskasvatuksen tuki -kyselylomakkeisto

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Varhaiskasvatuksen tuki -kyselylomakkeisto

Early childhood support -questionnaire forms

The support project for early childhood education funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture investigated the realization of the support children receive in Finnish early childhood education. After compiling the previous research data, the material was collected through a nationwide survey of early childhood education organizers and employees. In addition, information was collected through small group discussions and interviews, not only from the aforementioned actors, but also from the children's parents. This research material only contains the survey forms and variables. The data itself can be requested for research purposes. For that, please see the parent dataset of this publication.

The themes of the survey were the conditions for organizing support, multidisciplinary cooperation when implementing support, children who receive the most demanding support in early childhood education, free early childhood education, the work of a special early childhood education teacher, the perceptions of all employee groups about inclusive early childhood education and the organization of support.

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