
Record Citations

APA Citation

Ala-Mutka, J. (2005). Strategic management of high growth ventures: A venture-to-capital framework for professional entrepreneurship. Tampere University of Technology.

Chicago Style Citation

Ala-Mutka, Jukka. Strategic Management of High Growth Ventures: A Venture-to-capital Framework for Professional Entrepreneurship. Tampere: Tampere University of Technology, 2005.

MLA Citation

Ala-Mutka, Jukka. Strategic Management of High Growth Ventures: A Venture-to-capital Framework for Professional Entrepreneurship. Tampere University of Technology, 2005.

Harvard Style Citation

Ala-Mutka, J. 2005. Strategic management of high growth ventures: A venture-to-capital framework for professional entrepreneurship. Tampere: Tampere University of Technology.

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