
Record Citations

APA Citation

Clark, D. W., Okada, Y., Moore, K. H., Mason, D., Pirastu, N., Gandin, I., . . . Wilson, J. F. Associations of autozygosity with a broad range of human phenotypes. Springer Nature.

Chicago Style Citation

Clark, D. W., et al. Associations of Autozygosity with a Broad Range of Human Phenotypes. Springer Nature.

MLA Citation

Clark, D. W., et al. Associations of Autozygosity with a Broad Range of Human Phenotypes. Springer Nature.

Harvard Style Citation

Clark, D. W., Okada, Y., Moore, K. H., Mason, D., Pirastu, N., Gandin, I., . . . Wilson, J. F. Associations of autozygosity with a broad range of human phenotypes. Springer Nature.

Remember to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.