
Koulun hyvinvointiprofiili 2011-2012: alaluokat 4-6

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Koulun hyvinvointiprofiili 2011-2012: alaluokat 4-6

School Well-being Profile 2011-2012: Primary School, Grades 4-6

The survey focused on school well-being in grades 4-6 in Finland, studying pupil opinions on school facilities, the learning environment, social relationships in school, and means for self-fulfilment in school, as well as the pupils' perceived health status. The survey contained both statements and multiple choice questions. The respondents indicated to what extent they agreed with the statements using a three-point scale (i.e. "agree", "neither agree nor disagree" and "disagree"). School facilities were studied with a number of questions about the classroom (e.g. size, temperature), toilet facilities, the dining room, the schoolyard and the school building (e.g. safety, functionality). Opinions on the school timetable, order in the classroom, and access to the school nurse were charted. The statements relating to social relationships canvassed pupil-pupil relationships (e.g. classmate support, having friends at school) and teacher-pupil relationships with questions on help and encouragement received from classmates, group work in the classroom and teacher fairness and friendliness. The respondents were asked whether they had been bullied at school during the ongoing term and whether they themselves had bullied someone else. Parental encouragement and attitudes to homework and school were studied as well as parents' participation in parents' nights or meetings. The statements on self-fulfilment explored different aspects of school work. Opinions on whether teachers listened to pupils and whether pupils' opinions were taken into account when school rules were decided (school democracy) were charted. Views were probed on whether they managed their studies well, whether they considered school work important, and whether they had a chance to receive remedial teaching if needed. Regarding health, the respondents were asked about their perceived general health and whether they had had various symptoms (e.g. stomach ache, sleeping problems, headache, depression, and anxiety) during the ongoing term. Background variables included the respondent's gender, age, grade, and class id.

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Koulun hyvinvointiprofiili 2011-2012: alaluokat 4-6 FSD2770

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