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Korja, M., Jokilammi, A., Salmi, T. T., Kalimo, H., Pelliniemi, T., Isola, J., . . . Tampere, U. o. (2009). Absence of polysialylated NCAM is an unfavorable prognostic phenotype for advanced stage neuroblastoma.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Korja, Miikka, et al. Absence of Polysialylated NCAM Is an Unfavorable Prognostic Phenotype for Advanced Stage Neuroblastoma. 2009.


Korja, Miikka, et al. Absence of Polysialylated NCAM Is an Unfavorable Prognostic Phenotype for Advanced Stage Neuroblastoma. 2009.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Korja, M., Jokilammi, A., Salmi, T. T., Kalimo, H., Pelliniemi, T., Isola, J., . . . Tampere, U. o. 2009. Absence of polysialylated NCAM is an unfavorable prognostic phenotype for advanced stage neuroblastoma.

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