
Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän päivitys varaston näkökulmasta : case yritys X


Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän päivitys varaston näkökulmasta : case yritys X

This thesis was about upgrading an ERP system from the perspective of warehouse. The aim was to study the changes that the upgrade would bring to everyday operations in warehouse, examine how these everyday operations transpire after applying the update and come up with useful solutions to the warehouses.

This thesis was commissioned by a food company in Turku which is being referred as yritys X. In addition, another company essential to the thesis, called company L, is included in the same group.

To support my solutions, I researched functional forms of inventory management for the needs of different warehouses and also leaned on my experiences in working at warehouses.

I found different kind of solutions for each warehouse and by putting the solutions into practice efficiency could improve. It’s noteworthy to realize that different kind of warehouses require different kind of solutions.

The results adapt the ERP system upgrade while having a goal to capitalize the possibilities that the upgrade brings.
