
Digital citizenship - a case study of children's online experiences in one school


Digital citizenship - a case study of children's online experiences in one school

This study aimed to understand how the students of one private primary school use the internet and digital devices. More specifically, the students' awareness of the opportunities the internet has to offer, how they deal with the risks that arise and how their parents, teachers, and the school mediate to provide children with the tools and competencies to navigate the digital world were examined. Digital citizenship education was explored, and available resources for implementation were investigated. As the research topic is current and trending, the questionnaire questions, focus interview questions, and themes were selected to reveal the school community's awareness. The gaps that need to be filled in acquiring further knowledge on digital citizenship were appraised.

This study was implemented as a case study. The survey consisted of two parts administered simultaneously. The questionnaire and focus group results were analysed concurrently and in triangulation. The themes in the questionnaire aimed to find out the children's online experiences about access and time spent online; practical and digital skills; and opportunities and risks. The focus group topics were centred around the same themes. Collected qualitative and quantitative data were analysed using content analysis methods.

The results provided a good reference point to examine the need for digital citizenship in the specific primary school in this study. Most online experiences were positive, but the risks of internet use are evident and prominent to all. The concept of digital citizenship is still new to all participants in this study. The teachers agreed that being proactive instead of reactive and teaching children about digital citizenship can help raise awareness. Particular attention should be given to what each participant needs to know, keeping in mind the children's wellbeing online. Cooperation between the school and parents is of utmost importance for future purposes.
