
Fysioterapeuttien kokemuksia tietoisuustaitojen kehittämiskeinoista nuoren aikuisen fysioterapiassa


Fysioterapeuttien kokemuksia tietoisuustaitojen kehittämiskeinoista nuoren aikuisen fysioterapiassa

In this study, the objective was to acquire knowledge about the physiotherapists’ experiences about the ways of enhancing mindfulness in the physiotherapy of young adults. On the present moment mindfulness means knowingly concentrating on how a person feels and their ability to observe and accept things that are happening. This thesis presents ways of practising mindfulness and the effect of those ways. Professionals working with psychophysical physiotherapy at South Karelia Social and Health Care District collaborated in this study.

Data for this study was collected with questionnaires and interviews done to the partners of the study. The data was gathered by interviewing four different interviewees. The interviews were done during the fall of 2019. Two of the interviews were conducted as individual and one as a pair interview. The interviews were recorded and transcripted. After that, the data was analyzed with the help of material-based analyzation.

The results of the study show that practising mindfulness with psychophysical physiotherapy helps with tensions and adds more consciousness. This leads to conscious performing of the clients and therefore better performance. Practising mindfulness is based mainly on breathing, touching, movements and observing nature. Mindfulness can be practised individually or at the same time with other methods.

This study works as a source of information about enhancing mindfulness as a part of psychophysical physiotherapy. From this research, you can pick up different ways to improve the client’s mindfulness skills and ability to function.
