
Musiikkikasvatushetket lasten osallisuuden ja yhteisöllisyyden vahvistajina varhaiskasvatuksessa


Musiikkikasvatushetket lasten osallisuuden ja yhteisöllisyyden vahvistajina varhaiskasvatuksessa

The aim of this thesis was to develop an action model that made it possible to strengthen and support children's participation and sense of community in early childhood education. Another objective of this development work was to encourage educators to use music creatively in their work at kindergartens. One kindergarten in Askola was partnered with the thesis. Development work at the kindergarten included six musical education moments over a three-week period. The children created a story that, based on the children's ideas, was brought into musical forms. In addition, different experiences were experienced together by; playing, dancing, playing music and singing, as well as listening to different kinds of music. The musical education moments were attended by kindergarten preschoolers and five-year-old children. The framework of reference for the thesis was based on the pedagogy of participation in early childhood education. Music education, on the other hand, became a second frame of reference because of the interactivity and elements that strengthens the sense of commu-nity. Observation, research diary, photography, videotaping, and fairytale method were used as a method of material collection and aids to documentation. In documentation, children were actively involved in videotaping and photographing activities. During the development work, children's participation and experience of sense of community became stronger. The children experienced joy and enthusiasm, and their working was often intense as well. The atmosphere at the musical education moments was supportive and positive, which was encouraging many children to try and create new things in music. Kindergarten educators felt that they had gained new perspectives that increased their courage in using different musical methods in their work. A continuation of development work could include strengthening staff’s participation and sense of community in early childhood education.
