
Itsensä johtaminen ja voimavarojen hyödyntäminen opiskeluaikaisessa elämässä: Opas opiskelevalle yrittäjälle.


Itsensä johtaminen ja voimavarojen hyödyntäminen opiskeluaikaisessa elämässä: Opas opiskelevalle yrittäjälle.

The purpose of this development task was to increase the understanding of the challenges of self-management to develop the self-employed student. The aim of the work was to find out the challenges and resources of self-management of a student entrepreneur, which can be utilized to balance a busy life. The thesis describes how a student entrepreneur can develop self-management by finding and utilizing resources in real-life situations. The target company is the author's own company, for which the final output will be made. The final output of the thesis is a self-management guide for the student entrepreneur, the purpose of which is to help other student entrepreneurs in the same life situation. The knowledge base of the thesis consists of the theoretical and strategical perspective of self-management in general. Psychological capital, self-capability, personal well-being, and time management techniques are dealt with and described in the self-management section. The approach of this thesis was chosen to be in the style of research development, which examines the object to be developed with the help of service design model process. The method of co-development creation worked on a practical level in taking the research work forward, where the end product was to become a new concept, a guide for the studying en-trepreneur. A semi-structured interview and one participatory brainstorming workshop were chosen as the data collection methods for the development work. The analysis of the results was performed as a theory-guiding content analysis. The results show that self-management is challenging and requires continues development. The need for resources is a necessity at the individual level. The scope of the topic was considered challenging yet satisfactory, and it was considered interesting and topical. The con-tent of the guide was built according to the wishes of the participants, and it includes: Techniques and tools for time management, definitions of self-management and resource tools for well-being, scheduling, and the underlining abilities of one’s own psychological capital. The author concludes that the guide is useful mainly in terms of its practicality and that there is a real need for it.
