
Verkkosovellus Huginn-instanssien hallinnoinnille


Verkkosovellus Huginn-instanssien hallinnoinnille

The project was assigned by Sparta Consulting Oy with the goal to create an automated deployment process for Huginn application. It was decided to implement the automation of the deployment process as a web application, the purpose of which was to create, delete, turn on and turn off the Huginn instance in Azure cloud service. The application was implemented as a project to Sparta Consulting Oy. Sparta Consulting Oy offered for this project their resources, such as version control and Azure cloud service. The key components for the application were Elixir, Phoenix Framework, Terraform, and Azure. The result was a functional web application that was able to create and delete Huginn instances through an automated process in Azure cloud service. The application was also able to turn on and turn off the Huginn instances. The web application was limited for use in the internal network of Sparta Consulting Oy only. The result was functional and met the requirements set by Sparta Consulting Oy. The next development steps would be to add more automation; for example, turning off the Huginn instance at a certain date. If access to the application from public network is needed, authentication will be necessary.
