
sukset; skis


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sukset; skis

fyysinen kuvaus: Pääluettelo: Sukset, alla poronnahkaa, lyhyet. Oljutora. Verif. N:o 1, 1921.

Sukset. Lyhyet ja leveähköt sukset ohueksi höylätystä haapapuusta. Kärjet nousevat hieman edestä. Takana sukset suippenevat. Pohjat on päällystetty poron koipinahalla, jossa karva kulkee taaksepäin. Nahka on liimattu kalasta tehdyllä liimalla pohjaan ja käännetty reunaksi suksen yläpuolelle. Suksen keskelle on porattu reiät, joista on pujotettu nahkaiset kiinnitysnauhat. Suippo takaosa on koristeltu nahkahapsuin.

Koryak skis or long snowshoes. Short and wide skis made of boards of aspen wood. The front is raised. At the back the skis taper. The bottoms of the skis are covered with reindeer leg-skin with the hair pointing backwards. This skin is glued onto the wooden board with fish-glue and turned around the upper side of the skis. Holes are perforated to the middle of the skis and leather thongs provided for attaching the foot of the skier. The tapering end at the back is decorated with a leather fringe.

These skis are similar in style to those used across Siberia by many ethnic groups and according to Jochelson (1905) the Koryak did not make these themselves but traded them from the Lamutes (Evens) or other Tungusic peoples.
