
Record Citations

APA Citation

Williams, J., & Lopez, V. (2001). Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone: Selected themes from the motion picture. Alto saxophone : solo, duet, trio. Warner-Barham Music.

Chicago Style Citation

Williams, John, and Victor Lopez. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: Selected Themes from the Motion Picture. Alto Saxophone : Solo, Duet, Trio. [S.l.]: Warner-Barham Music, 2001.

MLA Citation

Williams, John, and Victor Lopez. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: Selected Themes from the Motion Picture. Alto Saxophone : Solo, Duet, Trio. Warner-Barham Music, 2001.

Harvard Style Citation

Williams, J. & Lopez, V. 2001. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone: Selected themes from the motion picture. Alto saxophone : solo, duet, trio. [S.l.]: Warner-Barham Music.

Remember to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.