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Bruun, N., & Hellsten, J. (2001). Collective agreements and competition law in the EU: The report of the COLCOM-project. Kauppakaari : DJØF publishing.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Bruun, Niklas, ja Jari Hellsten. Collective Agreements and Competition Law in the EU: The Report of the COLCOM-project. Helsinki ; Copenhagen: Kauppakaari : DJØF publishing, 2001.


Bruun, Niklas, ja Jari Hellsten. Collective Agreements and Competition Law in the EU: The Report of the COLCOM-project. Kauppakaari : DJØF publishing, 2001.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Bruun, N. & Hellsten, J. 2001. Collective agreements and competition law in the EU: The report of the COLCOM-project. Helsinki ; Copenhagen: Kauppakaari : DJØF publishing.

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