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McLeod, K. (2011). We are the champions: The politics of sports and popular music. Ashgate, MPG Books Group, UK.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

McLeod, Ken. We Are the Champions: The Politics of Sports and Popular Music. Farnham, Surrey, England (Wey Court East, Union Road) : Burlington, VT, USA (Suite 420, 101 Cherry Street): Ashgate, MPG Books Group, UK, 2011.


McLeod, Ken. We Are the Champions: The Politics of Sports and Popular Music. Ashgate, MPG Books Group, UK, 2011.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

McLeod, K. 2011. We are the champions: The politics of sports and popular music. Farnham, Surrey, England (Wey Court East, Union Road) : Burlington, VT, USA (Suite 420, 101 Cherry Street): Ashgate, MPG Books Group, UK.

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