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Sergueef, N., & Nelson, K. (2014). Osteopathy for the over 50s: The maintenance of function and treatment of dysfunction. Handspring.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Sergueef, Nicette, ja Kenneth Nelson. Osteopathy for the over 50s: The Maintenance of Function and Treatment of Dysfunction. Pencaitland: Handspring, 2014.


Sergueef, Nicette, ja Kenneth Nelson. Osteopathy for the over 50s: The Maintenance of Function and Treatment of Dysfunction. Handspring, 2014.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Sergueef, N. & Nelson, K. 2014. Osteopathy for the over 50s: The maintenance of function and treatment of dysfunction. Pencaitland: Handspring.

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